Click the "edit topic" button to edit a targeted topic. Enter changes to the registered information on the topic edit screen and click the "accept" button to save the changes. Items that can be edited from the topic edit display are as follows.
Enter the name of a topic.
Enter the description of the topic, etc. A part of an HTML Tag or a Textile format may be used. The URL of an image or video can be directly entered. To obtain the URL of the image, display the site containing the image in the browser. Place the cursor over the target image, right-click and select properties. Copy the address (URL) of the image or video and enter it in the description of the topic. At present, YouTube and Google video are supported.
A website address (URL) related to the topic can be entered. If other users have entered the same address, those topics will be connected as the same keyword.
Enter the genre, a category, etc. as a tag. Several tags can be entered by placing a single byte space between tags.
Check the "Private" checkbox to hide the topic from the view of other users. When the private setting is engaged, the "private" icon [ ] is displayed on the right side of the topic.
The start time and end time can be set for the current topic. Click "time" to set the "start date," "start time," "end date," and "end time," respectively. Topic names are displayed on the calendar according to the start date. On the timetable, only topics with a set "end date" and "end time" are listed.
Click "image" to set an image published in a topic. When inserting an image saved on the user's computer etc., click "choose file."
Click the "accept" button to save any edited information.