Click the "open map graph" button on the right side of the mind map to open a relation diagram of topics contained in the mind map.
Click the "comment" button to write a comment about the mind map or display a list of the comments from other users chronologically.
Click the "create map" button on "Home" to open the mind map edit screen. Enter the required information in the edit screen of the mind map and click the "accept" button to create a mind map. A route topic will automatically be created. The route topic is displayed in the center of the map graph and will have the same name as the mind map.
> Edit Mind Map: Mind Map Items that can be Edited
Click the "edit map" button to display the mind map edit screen. Enter changes to the registered information on the mind map edit screen and click the "accept" button to save the changes.
> Edit Mind Map: Mind Map Items that can be Edited
Click the "delete map" button to delete a mind map. A confirmation dialog box will be displayed. Click "OK" to delete the mind map.
Click the "add topic" button to open the topic edit screen. Enter the required information on the topic screen and click the "accept" button to create the topic that is directly connected to the route topic of the mind map.
> Edit Topic: Topic Items that can be Edited